<- neviditeľná štiavnica

nmw #03
light design & senses
2–9th august 2015 bánska štiavnica

UNESCO proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light. The UN recognized the importance of raising global awareness about how light-based technologies promote sustainable development and provides solutions to global challenges in energy, education, agriculture and health. The period film seminar 4 Elements theme was ‘Senses’.

The participants of ‘Invisible Štiavnica’ workshop worked with the most important sense – the sight. The participants focused on lighting design, interactive installations and projections in public space. Visual / Lighting works were realized on exposed public areas of Banská Štiavnica (Amphitheatre, The New Castle, The Old Castle, etc.) during the culminating program of the 4 Senses film festival.

Part of the workshop - public exhibition Sysethesia - was consisting of interactive and / or lighting works in the former store (currently known as' K-Centre ").

Laura Murguia Sanchez prepared lecture (masterclass) for the public.

There were also two micro-workshops run by Andrej Boleslavský and Henrich Žucha.

Laura Murguía Sanchéz and Lenka Balážová run the workshop.

The workshop program was engaged in an international network of projects implemented under UNESCO International Year of Light.

Workshop participants: Barbora Berezňáková, Klára Jakubová, Andrea Ďurianová, Katarína Máliková, Katarína Jančovičová, Arthur Nácar, Jan Nálepa, Henrich Žucha (H21).


